Prof. Narayanan Nambi is working as Director of academic and clinical services of SNA Oushadhasala founded by Ashtavaidyan Thrissur Thaikkat Mooss in 1920 in Kerala, India.
He has been contributing in the field of Ayurveda education, Health care and Policy matters in India and abroad since 20 years.
Prof. Nambi is faculty member of Ayurveda Point, Italy, Equals International, Australia and Veda Education in Russia. He is also actively involved in Ayurveda education through European Institute of Vedic Studies, Switzerland and European Academy of Ayurveda, Germany and made educational visits and orations in Italy, Germany, France, Netherlads, Austria, Switzerland, Estonia, UAE and United Kingdom.
He represents the rich ancestry Alathiyoor Nambi Family of Ashtavaidyas- the great traditional vaidya families in India having centuries of tradition.